Thursday, December 13, 2012

Preserving the Stories and Photos

I have woefully neglected this blog. My Uncle Don passed away in his sleep on Monday, which was a shock to us all.  However, some good has come.  I've reconnected with my family and even kin doing genealogy.  In going through the old pictures, I know I need to get them digitized and saved.  I also want to record the stories in a way that will be fun and preserve them for all.  I know that there must be some fun digital book/scrapbook software and even movie software.  I see getting the names and dates included as I get help in telling my family's story.  I even wonder if we might have a family reunion and tell what we remember about different ones of our kin.  I also would love a way to catalog video and audio clips to add to genealogical records and to use in making other scrapbooks or histories.  I know there is much that we can do and don't want to lose all of this.  I am not sure where to begin in finding software, but want to get busy.  With whom should I begin?

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